Monday, July 30, 2012

Another Fiat Every Day

believed to be house of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Ephesus (wikipedia)

Here is a quick response to my first post from my beautiful friend, Rose. Thanks be to God for the wisdom she shares with us:

Many times we feel helpless when we see souls bent on living for pleasure alone and still find at the end they can never feel satisfied--always looking for a new pleasure or goal to achieve in their need to give their lives meaning . They want to do something great or important or be admired for who they are, etc. *Yet Mary who is "the single boast of the human race" is Queen of heaven now, and what did she do that was so important ? Feed one baby, change the diapers, clean house, cook meals, and be a good neighbor even to those who thought of her as just another simple, domestic woman. Sometimes doing the simple, ordinary things in life, or the most monotonous things to do, is the hardest and greatest sacrifice a person could give to God to help Him save precious souls from damnation . When you have a special child, who is pure innocence and a victim soul of suffering through no fault of their own, and you watch them not grow normal like other children, it becomes like another Fiat every day at the foot of your hidden daily cross . AWWW but if you join it to Mary's and give it to Jesus at the foot of "THE CROSS" ( at Mass) it all becomes One in God's eyes. Your heart breaking, sufferings become Joy because Jesus takes your offering, which Mary joins to hers also, and with His Pure and Perfect Sacrifice, turns it to a Greater Good to save more souls. 

There is no True Love without sacrifice, so when you embrace yours in full knowledge of it's value, for love of neighbor and Jesus, you become another Mary hidden in the simple, mundane treasure of ordinary chores "Duty a part of Redemptive suffering ...a white martyrdom" even and your special child are partners in "The Plan" of Our Lord and Savior, and because you choose to help Him in that mission Mary will always appeal to His grace to make you strong and totally able to say and love the Holy WILL of God, while still open to the fact that, if He wants to, He can cure your little one if it be the "better thing" for you & your child....God many times wants to give His special friends Greater Eternal things, or Miracles... when you are willing to drink the cup of His Wise and All Knowing LOVE for you . Here, after all things will become clear, TRUST and know He will Never Abandon you.Never. My daughter, too, who was only supposed to live a year, is 36 yrs. old now, and she is helping to save me, and we are both helping Jesus to Save her family, as well as and especially those who are handy capped "Spiritually" ... a much, much more serious sickness !

Love to you Cami, From Rose and my little Teresa Avila, a child like your Sophia. (We are truly blessed to have our "Burdens of Love".

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